Akash Sharma

नमस्ते 🙏

I'm a Full-Stack developer and a dedicated student pursuing a B.S. in Data Science & Applications at IIT-Madras.

Project 1

Jiggly : Music App

Jiggly is a multi-user music streaming web application. This app is built on Vue.js framework for client-side and Flask for server-side. Additional features include daily reminders and caching using redis and celery, and token-based authentication using JWT.

Project 2

User Authentication System

This project is an authentication system built with Django and Django REST Framework for the backend, and React along with Tailwind CSS for the frontend. It includes features such as user registration, login, profile management, password reset, and forgot password functionality.

Project 3

Data, Statistics & Probability

Created a student portfolio website using Google Sites and build a page for Statistics.
Collected data, described it and approximated a random variable with discrete and continuous distributions.

Project 4

Audio Book GUI

Application to convert text/pdf files into an audible format, built using Tkinter, GTTS, Python-tesseract & Pillow.

Project 5

News App GUI

A simple app to keep you updated with the daily news, built using Tkinter & News API.


Please feel free to reach out for any queries.